About Us

The PPNI Ltd breeding programme is under the direction of the Board of PPNI Ltd. and draws on the many years of practical breeding and market experience of the individual members.

All PPNI Ltd. breeding work is undertaken at Agri-Food and Bioscience Institute, Loughgall by the experienced potato breeding team led by Paul Watts Bsc. Paul works closely with staff at KWS Potato BV enabling PPNI Ltd. to draw on their experience of potato breeding throughout the world.

The current Agreement with AFBI gives PPNI Ltd access to parental breeding material within the Strategic Breeding Programme carried out by AFBI on behalf of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD).

Design of the breeding programme, and most importantly the selection decisions, are taken jointly with the PPNI Directors. In this way the breeding is closely linked to the needs of the market.

The aim of the programme is to develop a wide portfolio of varieties based on the needs of the international markets.

A well developed programme of testing of new varieties is operated. The test sites are chosen to represent conditions typical of the major markets to which PPNI Ltd. has access through its marketing arrangements